Heat recovery project – Boliden
More than a year and a half ago, METSO Outotec elected Kalfrisa as designer and manufacturer of the new start-up preheater to be commissioned during the first half of 2024 at one of the world’s most technologically advanced acid plants, Boliden Green Zinc Odda 4.0.
It is a mining company that invested in the expansion of its Boliden Odda smelter in Norway, almost doubling its zinc production. With the expansion, Boliden Odda is expected to increase its annual production capacity to 350,000 tonnes of zinc from the current 200,000 tonnes; As part of the expansion, several new facilities are planned at the Odda site, including a new roaster, a new sulphuric acid plant and a new loading dock. In addition, the works include the expansion and modernisation of the leaching plant and the purification plant, and the expansion of the smelter and quay infrastructure.
BOLIDEN President and CEO Mikael Staffas said: “This is one of the largest investments in BOLIDEN’s history. By increasing zinc production with the highest climate performance, while improving resource efficiency and productivity, we are setting a new standard for zinc smelting both in terms of sustainability performance and profitability.” BOLIDEN pointed out that Odda will be supplied with electricity without fossil fuels and that the waste will be deposited in underground reservoirs in the mountain using a unique and sustainable technology;
METSO Outotec was selected as the main partner for the execution of this project and started implementation in early October 2021The Finnish multinational, leader in this sector and regular customer of Kalfrisa again relies on our design and manufacturing know-how to preheat the converter at start-up in cases where the catalytic beds fall below the auto-ignition temperature or in order to start up the installation after a shutdown.