Hybrid Hydrogen Furnace (3H2)

The 3H2 Hydrogen Hybrid Furnace investigates the technical and critical aspects related to the use of green hydrogen/natural gas mixtures as fuel in industrial burners and how to digitise/automate the process, and this is its main objective; The project will investigate the partial replacement of up to 30% of the fuel currently used in furnaces (mainly natural gas) with hydrogen, analyzing all factors affecting the combustion itself, as well as other effects that may occur in the furnace and downstream equipment.
To this end, an industrial prototype hybrid furnace will be designed, built and tested to demonstrate the technical feasibility of this technology in different scenarios where natural gas is replaced by hydrogen. The technical and economic problems that this may entail will be evaluated so that we can be aware of future R&D stages. R&D . The characteristics of a sustainable and profitable hydrogen supply in the medium term are discussed based on the H2 deployment scenarios proposed by the European Union.
- Project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
- Innovative Enterprise Group Support Program (AEI).
- Duration: 2022